Water Quality Results Archive

Licenced Sites EPL 4651 Discharge & Monitoring Point 4 - LAG (Gooragool Lagoon Escape; Murrumbidgee floodplain)


Licenced Sites EPL 4651 Discharge & Monitoring Point 5 - GMSRR (Gogeldrie Main Southern Escape; Murrumbidgee floodplain

Licenced Sites EPL 4651 Discharge & Monitoring Point 6 - YMS (Yanco Main Southern Escape; Murrumbidgee floodplain)

Licenced Sites EPL 4651 Discharge & Monitoring Point 7 - ROCUDG (Cudgel Creek Escape; Murrumbidgee floodplain)
Licenced Sites EPL 4651 Discharge & Monitoring Point 15 - MIRFLD (Mirrool Creek Floodway @ Wyvern Station monitoring site; lower Mirrool Creek)

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Email: info@mirrigation.com.au
Postal: Locked Bag 6010 Griffith NSW 2680

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