
26 July, 2024

  Murrami maintennace 1_July update_2_mailchimp

Murrami maintennace 1_July update_mailchimp

Before and after shots of some channel bank rebuilds in Murrami, using our excavator’s 3D technology.

Our winter maintenance works will start to transition over to in season works over the next few months. Our maintenance program has been running in parallel with our automation works, with a focus on desilting and rebuilding channel banks.
These works have been focussed around the Griffith, Leeton, Whitton, Bilbul and Murrami areas over the past month.
We have also been conducting annual scheduled maintenance on pump sheds across the MIA.
Sections of some channels where there are no works are being lowered intermittently to allow for inspections and programmed maintenance works.

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Phone: (02) 6962 0200
Postal: Locked Bag 6010 Griffith NSW 2680

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