MIA closing in on full automation

29 May 2024

Taking advantage of the cooler months, Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI) has commenced a program of automation, repairs, and scheduled maintenance to irrigation infrastructure across the region. Our program of Winter Works is spread across the entire MIA, including structures in the Griffith and Leeton areas, as well as the completion of a surge reservoir near Yanco.

The Winter Works program is vital to deliver upgrades and maintenance to keep the water delivery infrastructure and systems operating as efficiently as possible throughout the year. They also provide the opportunity to deliver upgrades that can further support customers in their businesses.

MI’s integrated network will be put to the test over the coming months with the automation works, WaterNSW maintenance at Gogelderie Weir and Berembed Weir throughout June and July, and expected high winter crop planting.

“We will be working closely with customers and using our storages along the network to minimise supply interruptions and will keep customers updated as works progress,” said MI CEO Brett Jones.

A key focus is to ensure the safety of the community.

“We are conscious that works can impact people who live, work and travel in the area and have in place a process to keep customers and affected community members informed well in advance,” said Mr Jones.

Water outages in the areas where there are planned works will vary and a key focus is also to minimise impacts to water supply for customers. We are contacting customers impacted by the works about their critical watering needs such as frost protection for citrus.

The major projects this Winter Works period will be the automation of the remaining outlets and regulators across the MIA, as part of our finalisation of Automation Project, and the completion of the 5,000 ML Roach’s Surge Reservoir near Yanco.

“With around 94% of our channel system now automated, completing the automation across the rest of our water delivery network over the coming months will help us to deliver water to customers in the best way possible,” Mr Jones said.

This project is funded by the Australian Government and is being delivered in partnership with the NSW Government under the Off-farm Efficiency Program.

Our maintenance program will continue in parallel with our automation works over the next few months. These works include channel bank repairs, desilting and pump shed maintenance.

For more information keep an eye on our Facebook page or check out our website: www.mirrigation.com.au/works/projects

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