Vacation work and work experience

A work experience and MI employee standing togetherWe provide support for our young local talent, and encourage city based students to the region, by providing vacation work to University students. 

Over the past few years, Murrumbidgee Irrigation has provided vacation work experience in a range of vocational areas, such as Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Hydrological), Environmental and Business.

Work experience for high school students

We continue to work with local high schools to support the growth of young people through Compact and associated programs. Work experience opportunities for high school students are offered across a range of disciplines and in many of our business units. 

In addition, we have participated in the annual Western Riverina Tertiary Information Day and Careers Expo for the past ten years, providing local students with an understanding of the range of vocations available at Murrumbidgee Irrigation.

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General Enquiries

Phone: (02) 6962 0200
Postal: Locked Bag 6010 Griffith NSW 2680

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